Water Conservation: Gadgets and Devices


Water Conservation: Gadgets and Devices

This article has been written by Nina Wells from the company “Steam Shower Store”. None of the items have been tried by the website editor but they seem clever ideas that should be worth checking out. Nina has over 10 years’ experience in writing health related topics and specializes in the health benefits of saunas and hydrotherapy.

Nina Wells writes: –

Whether you live in an area prone to droughts or you’re just trying to save the energy involved in providing potable water, conserving water is always a good idea. There are small everyday practices you can learn to help conserve water. If you want to take your conservation to the next level, there are devices and gadgets you can install around your home to continue your conservation efforts.

Shower Gadgets

High-Efficiency Showerhead – Gone are the days that you had to choose between water pressure and going green. Today’s high efficient showerheads use 50% less water than the standard without making your shower feel like you’re standing under a watering tin. More than 11.5 litres, of water are released from a standard showerhead each minute.

Waterpebble – A waterpebble is a shower timer that will warn you that your shower time is up via colored lights. The device is placed near the drain and will use green, yellow, and red lights to inform you of your water usage. When the waterpebble turns red, your time is up.

ShowerStart thermostatic valve (TSV) – This great gadget helps save water when you’re waiting for the shower to heat up. The water reduces to a trickle when the temperature reaches 35° C so it isn’t wasted down the drain. Pull the cord on the device to release the water flow when you’re ready to get in.

Bathwater Diverter – A great way to conserve water is to reuse it. A bathwater diverter can be installed in an exterior waste pipe. This will divert bath water to a water storage butt that you can connect directly to your garden water hose. Now the water from your shower can be used to water your lawn as well. This installation requires you to install a three-way diverter valve and plumbing to the butt.

Toilet Gadgets

Dye Tablets – Dye tablets or even food colouring can be used to discover leaks in your toilet. Drop the dye tablets or a couple of drops of food coloring into the toilet tank and wait. Check back in a few minutes or hours and see if the colour has leaked into the bowl or any other places around the toilet. If you see the colour anywhere besides the tank, you have a leak.

Fill Cycle Diverter – A fill cycle diverter is a device made for older toilets. Toilets made before 2001 use 16 or more litres of water per flush than the newer standard. The fill cycle diverter makes the toilet’s tank and bowl finish refilling around the same time by directing less water to the bowl and more to the tank. This diverter will save close to two and a half litres of water per flush.

Displacement Bag – A toilet tank displacement bag is another fix for older toilets. Install the bag in the tank of your toilet. The bag will displace a 2.5 litres of water so the toilet will use less water when it is flushed.

CAROMA Profile Smart 305 Toilet – This is a toilet and sink all-in-one. It works by dispensing fresh water in the sink portion as the toilet is flushed. After washing your hands in the sink, the water drains into the toilet tank to be reused to flush.

Kitchen/Any Sink

Aerator – An aerator is a device that can be installed on virtually any water tap. Its screw-on tip makes for a simple and quick installation. Aerators mix your water with air in order to control the water flow. The air is used to keep water pressure high while reducing the amount of water being used by nearly 30%.

Many of these water conserving products can be purchased and self-installed for less than £16. Things like aerators, showerheads, fill cycle diverters, and displacement bags can be put in place and forgotten about, all the while saving litres of water every day. The amount of money you’ll save from conserving water will more than pay for the products you’ve purchased.